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Heather Baker
Heather Baker leads PCG's child welfare and youth services practice, helping state, county, and community-based agencies invest in programs, people, and technologies that improve the lives of children and families. She leads a team of individuals with vast experience in delivering and managing child...
Build a strong, inter-connected workforce system that can sustain change. We can help. Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), it is critical that Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) understand their employment and workforce bases. They must develop sustainable pathways to local e...
/human-services/workforce-economic-development/strategy/Maintain Equity in Education
The following products and services are related to maintaining equity in education, an element of our Education team’s Equity-Building Framework: Assess, Implement, and Maintain (AIM). Click here for more information about the framework. Equity Coaching Series Our Education team provides one-on-one ...
/education/equity-education-services-assess-implement-and-maintain/maintain-equity-in-education/James Waldinger
Mr. Waldinger, a Manager at PCG, is an experienced Medicaid policy and reimbursement professional who focuses on healthcare operations and reimbursement transformation... James Waldinger Manager Health Mr. Waldinger, a Manager at PCG, is an experienced Medicaid policy and reimbursement professional ...
/leadership/health/james-waldinger/Health Information Technology (HIT)
PCG's Health Information Technology (HIT) team works with state and government agencies, with a focus on Medicaid, Exchanges and health information technology, to help further the advancement of technology in the world of health care. Services include Electronic Health Records ( EHR) Electronic Heal...
/health/for-state-health-medicaid-agencies/health-information-technology-hit/Institutional Rate Setting and Support
Institutional Rate Setting Services and Support Services Institutional services, such as inpatient and outpatient hospital, skilled nursing facility, and nursing facility services are a significant spend and driver of healthcare costs. Medicaid and other state agencies need, and should adopt, paymen...
/health/for-health-plans/institutional-rate-setting-and-support/Healthcare Access and Markets
States turn to PCG to organize their commercial health insurance regulatory compliance. They work with us to establish managed care procurement and contract oversight. States regulate their private insurance markets and operate Medicaid managed care and fee-for-service programs to assure healthcare ...
/health/for-provider-organizations/healthcare-access-and-markets/Institutional Rate Setting and Support
Institutional Rate Setting Services and Support Services Institutional services, such as inpatient and outpatient hospital, skilled nursing facility, and nursing facility services are a significant spend and driver of healthcare costs. Medicaid and other state agencies need, and should adopt, paymen...
/health/for-state-insurance-departments/institutional-rate-setting-and-support/Project Assurance
PCG can provide independent and objective oversight for major projects, typically based on assessments of their likely future performance. Our services include Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V), Independent Project Oversight (IPO), Independent Technical Assessments, and Quality Assu...