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PCG SigRED Vulnerability Announcement
Recently, Microsoft announced a significant security vulnerability named SigRED related to its DNS (Domain Name System) service. The U.S. Government issued an emergency order for all federal agencies to patch the service within 24 hours, and state agencies are highly encouraged to follow the same pr...
/news-perspectives/pcg-sigred-vulnerability-announcement/Rebalancing Child Welfare Services through Line Item Transferability
In 2018, Congress passed the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), expanding federal funding for evidence-based prevention services and limiting federal funding for congregate care placements. FFPSA aims to rebalance the system toward more prevention and preservation, and away from foster ca...
/news-perspectives/rebalancing-child-welfare-services-through-line-item-transferability/PCG Offers Free Special Education Planning Resource to Aid Schools’ Reopening Preparations Amid Pandemic
[Princeton, NJ] July 29, 2020 – Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG), a leading consulting firm supporting state and local education agencies across the country, today announced the launch of its Special Education Reentry Checklist: a free resource to help special education departments prepare for sc...
/news-perspectives/pcg-offers-free-special-education-planning-resource-to-aid-schools-reopening-preparations-amid-pandemic/Trump Administration requests the U.S. Supreme Court overturn the entire ACA
On Thursday, June 25, 2020, the Trump Administration filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court asking the Court to invalidate the complete Affordable Care Act (ACA). On Thursday, June 25, 2020, the Trump Administration filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court asking the Court to invalidate the comp...
/news-perspectives/trump-administration-requests-the-us-supreme-court-overturn-the-entire-aca/U.S. District Court in Wisconsin holds that DHHS is not bound by ALJ decision
On Monday, July 6, 2020, the U.S District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin held that the United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is allowed to deny Medicare payment for a brain cancer patient’s treatment despite approval of similar claims by an administrative law judg...
/news-perspectives/us-district-court-in-wisconsin-holds-that-dhhs-is-not-bound-by-alj-decision/Recognizing the Community Spirit of PCG’s Employees
In 2019, PCG launched a quarterly employee recognition program called the EPIC Awards to share the work of employees who exemplify the four tenets that define PCG’s ethos— E ntrepreneurial Spirit, P assion, I mpact, and C ommunity. This week, we are announcing the recipients of PCG’s EPIC Award in r...
/news-perspectives/recognizing-the-community-spirit-of-pcg-s-employees/Public Partnerships (PPL), CARE team up for $500,000 donation to frontline coronavirus workers in N.J.
Frontline in-home workers who provide care and assistance for some of New Jersey’s most vulnerable residents, the elderly, the developmentally disabled and military veterans will receive a special “thank you” gift to provide some relief from the stresses of the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontline in-home w...
/news-perspectives/public-partnerships-ppl-care-team-up-for-500-000-donation-to-frontline-coronavirus-workers-in-nj/TANF and SNAP Flexibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The estimated economic impacts of the COVID-19 emergency are staggering—millions of Americans are out of work or experiencing a decrease in hours. Thousands of businesses are shuttered and some may never reopen. Over 16 million new people have applied for unemployment since March, roughly half of th...
/news-perspectives/tanf-and-snap-flexibility-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/Using Data to Select the Right Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs)
The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) includes expanded federal funding for evidence-based prevention services through Title IV-E for: Mental health prevention and treatment, Substance use disorder prevention and treatment provided by a qualified clinician, In-home parent skill-based prog...
/news-perspectives/using-data-to-select-the-right-evidence-based-practices-ebps/Remote Work Challenges During the COVID-19 Emergency: Perspectives from New England Substance Use Prevention Professionals
The Human Services Team at Public Consulting Group, Inc. collaborated with the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) recently The Human Services Team at Public Consulting Group, Inc. collaborated with the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) recently. PCG and t...