Found 806 results

Office of Inspector General (OIG) releases audits on multiple states

Congress requested the OIG conduct audits regarding the proper reporting, investigation, and resolution of allegations or referrals of abuse and neglect of children in the foster care system. In recent months, the OIG of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) ... Congress requested ...


Economic and Concrete Manual

ECONOMIC AND CONCRETE SUPPORTS SERVICES MANUAL Economic and Concrete Supports Services is a strength-based approach that can keep children safe and help families thrive through addressing families’ basic needs, particularly during times of financial hardship and instability. Family supports have bee...


Family First Prevention Services Act: Paying for What Works

Historically, the federal government’s support for child welfare services through the Title IV-E program has been limited to a single service: placement in foster care. With decades of research and experience, we now know that foster care is not the only – nor the best – solution for many children w...


Stability and Child Protection Leadership

Every organization, regardless of focus or sector, needs good, solid leadership to thrive. Why? Leadership not only provides the organization’s vision and guidance so that the executive management team can implement the direction of the organization, but also serves as the role model and principal i...


Whole Child Student Wellness Webinar Series

Join Public Consulting Group (PCG) for an engaging webinar series focused on Whole Child Student Wellness. Over the course of the next several months, there will be an interactive roundtable discussion with experts from various schools throughout the country. Best practices, lessons learned, and exp...


Justice Consulting Services

Justice Consulting Services The adult and juvenile justice systems are complex, involving many different agencies and stakeholders from law enforcement, courts, and corrections to community-based providers and victims of crime. Agencies must be agile to respond to the ever-changing social environmen...


PCG wins HIPAA contract in California

PCG was recently awarded a one-year engagement with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to complete an independent Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) risk assessment. The purpose of this project is to perform an independent risk assessment to ensure CDPH fulfil...


PCG wins Louisiana Medicaid modernization IV&V

PCG Technology Consulting (TC) was recently notified by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH), Bureau of Health Services Financing (BHSF) of its intent to award PCG a contract to provide Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V) services. Louisiana is embarking on an ambi...


Human Services Technology Consulting

Public Consulting Group (PCG) serves human services agencies and organizations at the state and local government levels to help successfully plan, implement, and maintain large-scale information technology (IT) solutions both effectively and efficiently. PCG’s experts provide a combination of progra...


In North Carolina, Students@Work See PCG At Work

PCG was one of 45 companies and organizations across North Carolina participating in late March in Students@Work, a job-shadowing and mentoring effort established by the governor in 2011. Coordinated closely with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Students@Work has brought more tha...
